Now begins the fierce fight of Awaji Island! Since the advent of the all-powerful Kishin, oni rather than humans have taken control of Hinomoto. When Hattori Tsugumi met them on their journey, the three of them discovered the Kanemaki Bushi. Musashi and Kanemaki Kojiro had sworn to build the strongest Bushi band of all time when they left their homeland. They have made the first significant step toward their goal by getting Kitetsu Blades, the only weapons capable of dispatching oni. Musashi's gang will run into Uesugui Bushi and its imposing leader Uesugi Tatsuomi in Harima. They have united in order to defeat Yamata no Orochi, the Artillery Wyrm, a gigantic Kishin that poses a threat to the Awaji island. They're joined by Takeda.
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