Sakurazaki Suzuo has recently returned to his hometown of Nakasora City, eager for a part-time job; yet none can be found. After a series of heroic events, Suzuo finds himself in the company of a young girl who offers him a bargain he almost can’t refuse: wear a “toy” belt, developed by the intergalactic Otankonasu Company, and be the hero of the universe! With no money in sight, Suzuo has no choice but to accept, but he has no idea what he just got himself into! The belt transforms him into the justice-wielding Dokkoida, and he must now work for the Galaxy Union Police Department, arresting galactic criminals with his 108 deadly blows. As if things weren’t bad enough, the defeated criminals have a habit of donning a secret identity and moving into his apartment complex, causing much mayhem and hijinks. Transform, Dokkoida! Save the universe with your suit of strength!
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